= Monkey as Food and Medicine Staples =

3 min readApr 25, 2021


  • Japanese monkey hunters from Meiji to Hirohito Japan times

While trying to figure out what the ancestral Japanese Jomon people actually were, research points out much of their stone age behavior is gleaned from the shell mound trash middens.

Monkey bones are found indicating monkey meat being hunted by the Jomon. Jomon carvings were often done on monkey bones.

When the Yayoi came and brought domesticated chickens and pigs, the Yayoi sites do not have monkey bones. Yayoi did not eat monkey meat. There was no need, the culture was completely different.

The main reason macaque monkeys and Jomon did not go into Korea was that it was too mountainous and inhospitably cold for tropically adapted primates under pressure to keep moving away from tropical domains. As they were driven northward up the warmer coast as a Sundaland peoples’ hunted food source, macaque monkeys avoided chilly Korea as a deep interior mountain range and entered southern Japan when it was the coastline connected by land bridges (the Ice Age coastline running from Sundaland to Taiwan through Okinawa chain all the way to Japan). The Sundaland Jomon refugees specifically followed the monkeys, copied them to survive, learned from monkeys what to forage, competed with monkeys for prized chestnuts instead of acorns, and hunted monkeys for meat as the shell midden trash heaps reveal.

The Japanese and Japanese Monkeys: Dissonant Neighbors Seeking Accommodation in a Shared Habitat

When the Ice Age ended, Japan became a separate island trapping monkeys from a continental to detached island coastline.

This book preview describes how monkeys were hunted and eaten all the way past Meiji era. There is a photo on page 97 of Japanese monkey hunters, the same one as above.

Read this preview before it gets taken down!

Herding Monkeys to Paradise: How Macaque Troops are Managed for Tourism in Japan
https://books.google.com/books?id=BOJ5D … A3oECAIQAQ

When Americans first entered Japan after Perry forced the signing of a lopsided trade treaty with the United States, Yokohama was described as being full of monkey meat stalls.

If MacArthur, during the American occupation of Japan after losing the Pacific War, did not ban hunting monkeys as cruel and one step away from cannibalism, Japanese would still be eating monkey meat. MacArthur also ordered the Japanese eat whale meat instead.

When Japanese first started monkey research in the 1970s, the macaques were still deathly afraid of humans. But they soon found out the Japanese no longer hunted and ate them as during Meiji to Hirohito Japan. So now they have descended from the mountains, breed madly from energy gained through raiding human crops and trash, and now tens of thousands have to be culled each year to keep the monkeys from raiding Japanese farmland.

Kyoto monkey attacks
https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2019 … nkeys.html

Even Meiji era Japanese were so underdeveloped, they did not have doctors in villages. Isabella Bird during her Victorian age travels around the world keenly describes the deplorable state of Japanese lack of medicine.

The Japanese traditionally believed from the Chinese that monkey meat is medicinal. Monkey brain ash powder, monkey blood, ground up burnt monkey bones, roasted monkey intestines, monkey meat all were consumed also as medicine.

In 1995 or so there was a huge food poisoning scandal in Japan that sickened and killed many children. Orders for monkey meat jerky, the ancient traditional cureall, skyrocketed as desperate mothers fed monkey meat to sickened children.

From hot spring to hot pot: One restaurant in Tokyo is actually serving wild monkey
https://soranews24.com/2014/02/14/from- … ld-monkey/

Japan, China, India, Southeast Asia, Papua, the submerged Sundaland connected peoples all co-existing with monkeys became their food. Nowadays monkeys are a huge menace because they are not eating monkeys as food and medicine as much as in ancient times. The availability of human food crops and trash especially in India and Japan are making a Planet of the Apes style invasion into the urban centers where the excess food energy makes the monkeys breed like crazy.

Monkey menace
https://www.google.com/search?client=sa … gws-wiz-hp





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